From the course: Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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Lean value stream mapping

Lean value stream mapping

- [Instructor] As we look at value stream mapping, I'd like to introduce you to two key terms before we proceed. Lead time. Lead time is defined as the total elapsed time from a time a request for a product or service is made to the time the product or service is made available. If you receive pizza within 45 minutes of ordering it, that is the lead time. Cycle time is a subset of the lead time. And that is the duration of time where some work is performed on the product. In our pizza deliver example, this is the time spent on steps like baking, packaging, et cetera. You can define lead time and cycle time of a step in a work flow or the entire work flow. Lead time is greater than or equal to cycle time, and the goal should be to make lead time equal to cycle time. Let's take a look at a business process values stream map. This is similar to the one we reviewed earlier, but it does not have an information flow section.…
