From the course: Software Testing Assistance with GitHub Copilot AI

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Chatting with Copilot

Chatting with Copilot

- [Instructor] Copilot Chat is a powerful feature for code explanation, generation, and insights. It allows you to harness Copilot in places external to the code base. The first example I like is to highlight a section of code and then open chat. I'll ask Copilot to write a comment for this function. The output is more verbose than something I could write as a comment, and skimming, it seems accurate. I highly encourage you to double check the work of Copilot everywhere. Also note that there is an option here to copy to clipboard, so I can paste it right in. And another prompt you can pass a Copilot is a request to explain. I'll take the same section of code, and Copilot will explain what this is doing and how it works. I want to pause a moment. This function was originally generated by Copilot. A moment ago, Copilot created the doc block, and now it's explaining to me how it works. I frequently search the internet for simple things, problems I've solved before, but I don't quite…
