From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Adding model views to a drawing

Adding model views to a drawing - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Adding model views to a drawing

- [Instructor] Once you've finished creating a part model, the next thing you need to do is to go ahead and bring that part into a drawing so we can add dimensions, notes, and so on. So to do that, let's go up here and click on file and make a drawing from part. Here it is right there. Click on that, and I'm going to go ahead and choose the LinkedIn template that I've been using. But you can use pretty much any template that you have. Or if you've added something like this one over here, feel free to use that one. But any template is fine. Click on Okay, and now we've got a drawing firing up here. Now over here on the right-hand side, there's a bunch of different views that I can drag and drop into my design, or you have the option over here under Model View, you can choose that one as well. So a couple different options how you want to bring that in. Now you want to make sure you're choosing which of these views correctly, right? So the top view here makes a lot of sense. So I'm…
