From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Applying draft

Applying draft

- [Instructor] If you're doing any type of a molding process, whether it's injection molding for plastic, die casting, or pretty much any other type of molded process, you're generally going to need to have draft. And what is draft? So draft is just an angle on the outside of your surface. So it allows the mold to open up, and it's like a tapering on the part, so it easily allows the part to come out of the mold. So, right up here is the Draft command. Let's click on that one here. And as far as the angle, I can choose anything I want here, but generally, if you're doing like plastic injection molding, you generally want to shoot for about three degrees or more. Now you can go less than that, but sometimes you'll end up with issues. So definitely try to focus on three degrees or more of draft for that. And depending on the process, maybe you're doing die casting or something like that, and they might want you to have more or less, depending on the feature. It also depends on the depth…
