From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Creating repeating patterns in a sketch

Creating repeating patterns in a sketch - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

Creating repeating patterns in a sketch

- [Instructor] For this video, we're going to be looking at both the Linear Sketch Pattern as well as the Circular Sketch Pattern. Now, just like the mirror command, you have the option of either creating a more elaborate sketch and doing some patterning inside of the sketch, or you can create one object just like this object here and then you can also pattern it as a body or a feature. So keep in mind, sometimes one is going to be better than the other, depending on what you're working with. I generally recommend the latter. So create a simple sketch and then pattern it as a body. But there's definitely cases that you're going to want to do it here in the sketch mode. So first things first, you want something to pattern, right? Whatever that sketch is going to be, here it is. I'm just going to use this basic diamond shape here. And I want to create a pattern. So the first thing I'm want to do is come up here to Linear Sketch Pattern, and notice there's also circular right below it…
