From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Markup view

Markup view

- [Instructor] For this video we're going to be talking about markup. Now, markup is something you're probably familiar with if you've ever used maybe like a PDF document and you have it sent to you and you can just like highlight and like mark things up and comment on an existing document. Well, that's pretty much exactly the same thing we can do inside of SolidWorks. So if you come over here, notice I've got a few different tabs and none of them say markup on 'em. So Right Click on it, go over here to tabs, and come down here to markup. Turn that on. If you see up here, notice I have this little markup, I can turn that on. And now this is very similar to what you'd see in Sketch Ink, we've already looked at Sketch Ink a little bit before, but if you have a pen or touch tablet or something like that, it's going to make it really handy to do this, to be able to mark things up. So over here I can use my mouse, no problem, so I just made a little squiggle over here. I can say, hey, like…
