From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2024 Essential Training

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Working with dimensions

Working with dimensions

- [Instructor] Whenever you're working in a SolidWorks sketch, more than likely you're going to be adding some dimensions. So in this video, I want to point out how we can use the smart dimensioning tool to add dimensions to these things you see on the screen here. So first things first, let's go ahead up here to sketch and notice there's smart dimension, and directly below that, there's a whole bunch of other dimensions down here like horizontals, verticals, baselines, stuff like that. And we'll cover some of these other ones in future videos, but for right now, let's just focus on smart dimension. All right, so there's a couple different methods for creating dimensions using smart dimension. The first one I call the two click method. So I'm going to click once where I want to, or the line that I want to add a dimension for, and then my second click is going to be where I want to place that dimension. Type in something like three inches. And there you have it. Okay, the next…
