From the course: Songwriting Techniques with Chords
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Harmonize a melody: Minor 7th, part 2 - Sibelius Tutorial
From the course: Songwriting Techniques with Chords
Harmonize a melody: Minor 7th, part 2
- [Instructor] Now I'm going to show you a couple of fun ways we can harmonize a melody as the minor seventh of the half-diminished, or minor seventh flat five chord, as well as the diminished seventh of the diminished seventh chord. The half-diminished chord, or minor seventh flat five chord, occurs only on the seventh degree of the major scale. Oftentimes, we hear it as a substitution for the five chord. The half-diminished chord is much more essential part of the natural and harmonic minor scales, where it occupies the role of the two chord. Here it is in the relative C major to A minor. Take a look at the B minor seven flat five. You see how it's now the two chord instead of the seven chord? Now, there's one more seventh chord I want to look at, and that's the diminished seventh chord. The diminished seventh chord is nowhere to be found in the major or natural minor scale. We do find it on the seventh degree of the harmonic minor scale. You can see it right here as a G diminished…
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