From the course: Songwriting Techniques with Chords

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Reharmonize a melody: Minor key

Reharmonize a melody: Minor key - Sibelius Tutorial

From the course: Songwriting Techniques with Chords

Reharmonize a melody: Minor key

- [Julian] Thus far, we've looked at ways of changing the chords of a song while keeping the melody consistent. But sometimes a shift in a chord progression will open up new melodic possibilities, and perhaps the largest shift we can make in a melody, is to alter its key, or mode. Minor keys and modes open up new melodic and harmonic options, so right now I want to give you a sense of major key versus minor key harmony, by doing something dramatic. I'm going to take our song, "Say That You Will Stay", and shift it completely from a major key, to a minor key. This will involve changing the melody from major to minor. So again, let's hear the original version of "Say That You Will Stay", which is firmly in the key of C-major, for reference. ♫ I know you love me, ♫ it's something you're afraid to say. ♫ So don't say that you love me, ♫ say that you will stay. Now I'm going to shift the key, from C-major, to C-natural minor. This is going to involve turning every E into an E-flat, every A…
