From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

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Common SQL string functions

Common SQL string functions - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Common SQL string functions

- [Instructor] Different relational database management systems offer built-in SQL functions that allow us to retrieve data for our applications. This is especially helpful when working with text. Now let's take a step back for a moment and talk about what is a function. SQL functions are built into the database system and return values based on the operation, functions within SQL work much like functions in other programming languages they can take in one or more arguments and return a value. Some functions are specific to a data type and some functions can cross different data types. For example, we can use the MIN function to find the minimum total of products ordered and we can also use the minimum order date which would be the oldest date in the results. However, the sum function is for adding numerical values. You won't be able to use the sum of apples and oranges. The sum function will not work on strings Let's look at…
