From the course: Strategic Planning and Urban Design Foundations

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Green buildings and preservation

Green buildings and preservation

- So we know that cities are agents of change. And with change comes the demolition of existing buildings to make way for new buildings. And while the planning of a dense, compact, biophilic city is going to help us reduce our city's carbon footprint, there are still environmental impacts of construction and operation of new buildings that we need to take into consideration. And one way to do this is thinking about historic preservation. There's a saying that the greenest building is one that's already been built. And this makes a lot of sense to me. You know, with the demolition of a building comes the loss of building materials that are more than likely going to end up in a landfill. And there's stored carbon, there's embodied energy, in these buildings that are going to be lost as a result of this demolition. And so let's identify some of the historic buildings that we have in our center, and let's retrofit them and preserve them. Because one, we know it's going to help mitigate…
