From the course: Strategic Planning and Urban Design Foundations
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Green Loop VR project collaboration
From the course: Strategic Planning and Urban Design Foundations
Green Loop VR project collaboration
- Let's talk about how urban designers are embracing emerging technology like mixed reality to promote our projects and be able to help the public visualize long-range planning. It can be challenging to properly express the importance of long-range planning to the public because there are so many different things that are vying for people's attention on a daily basis, but we've begun to look at virtual reality and augmented reality as a powerful communication tool that can tap into people's imaginations, it can reach out to a diverse grouping of people and what my favorite part of it is, is it transcends language barriers. So, recently, I worked with my friend, Tawny Schlieski, on a mixed reality, virtual reality project for our proposed linear park, The Green Loop, and, Tawny, what was your thoughts on how urban design and mixed reality, that relationship, how it's coming together? - So, Mark, for us, in the studio, it was really great to be working on a project that was really…
Planning a neighborhood site47s
Street connectivity in neighborhoods1m 44s
Mixed-use building development1m 46s
Diversity of housing types1m 31s
Parks and civic spaces1m 56s
Streetscape design3m 34s
Green buildings and preservation3m 5s
Green Loop VR project collaboration6m 33s