From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

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Photographing people in a sensitive or significant place

Photographing people in a sensitive or significant place

From the course: Street Photography: Candid Portraiture

Photographing people in a sensitive or significant place

- Well our wanderings through the streets of New York has taken us to the 9/11 Memorial Site. It's kind of a hallowed ground. It's obviously a very different kind of vibe, a reverent vibe. People come here to pay their respects. But, it's also a place for street photographers to come, maybe giving their images a little more meaning and power just by virtue of the fact that they were taken in this place. So, when I got here, you know of course I'm very mindful of the fact that there may be people here that have a very close, personal connection to 9/11, may have lost people they knew. It's important that that name is there in public view. I should take a picture of Rosa's name, maybe. I saw you touching it before. And as it happened, I ended up having a conversation with a woman who lost two very close friends of hers. That's something to be mindful of when you're in a place like this. I've got to move fast. I don't want to get in the way. I don't want people to even know I'm there…
