From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

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What is unique about DevOps?

What is unique about DevOps?

From the course: Succeeding in DevOps

What is unique about DevOps?

- You're probably watching this because you're interested in becoming a DevOps engineer, and that's great. DevOps, as a buzzword, is the most hyped it has ever been, with more and more people from across the globe gaining interest in this topic. From enterprise organizations to scrappy startups, people want to deliver value via software reliably and quickly and have heard DevOps can get them there. But what exactly is DevOps? Let alone a DevOps engineer? Understanding the history of DevOps provides context for what makes this type of role so unique. DevOps as a concept originated around 2009 and 2010 from a community of practitioners who began to share stories online about how IT was or should be running. These conversations drove the creation of new tools, such as Puppet and Chef, as well as spawned a movement centered around discussing the contrast between how development and operations functions of organizations…
