From the course: Sustainability for Design, Construction, and Manufacturing

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Life cycle assessment

Life cycle assessment

- [Narrator] A Life Cycle Assessment or an LCA, is a tool that is used to identify the environmental impact of a product, process, or a system. This assessment is based on various environmental factors at different stages of a product's life cycle from raw material extraction to disposal. In simpler terms, an LCA is an assessment of environmental cost of a product or a systems existence. Product life cycle that is evaluated by an LCA includes, raw material extraction, manufacturing and processing, transportation, usage and retail and final disposal. This lifecycle is also referred to as "Cradle-to-grave." Cradle, being the inception of the product with the sourcing of the raw materials, grave being the disposal of the product. A Life Cycle Assessment is a decision-making tool that quantifies the environmental impacts that arise from product inputs and outputs such as energy use, vased, or air emissions over a product's entire life…
