From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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Gray areas of allyship

Gray areas of allyship

- Imagine you're at a dinner party, hosted by a coworker, which should you do? A, bring your dirty plate to the kitchen after dinner. B, load the dishes in the dishwasher. C, rearrange the host's furniture for optimal feng shui. Most people agree that we should carry our dirty plate to the kitchen and we shouldn't rearrange our host's furniture, even if the energy and balance of the room feels off to us. But loading the host's dishwasher is a gray area. Our decision whether to do it or not is likely to depend on factors like how well we know the host and the social cues that we're picking up from the environment. Allyship is similar. Some ally actions are clearly good choices like advocating for all-gender restrooms in your workplace. Single stall, all-gender restrooms are useful to lots of folks, like people with a caregiver of a different gender, families with young children, and non-binary, transitioning and…
