From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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The use of pronouns

The use of pronouns

- Would it surprise you to know that there are plenty of transgender people who always have the correct pronouns used for them and plenty of cisgender people who don't? Actor and activist Laverne Cox, for example, is a transgender woman who's constantly referred to correctly as "she." Soccer legend Abby Wambach, who is not transgender, has spoken publicly about people often assuming she's a man and using the wrong pronoun for her. Even though using the wrong pronoun affects our transgender and non-binary friends the most, it's important to keep in mind that pronouns are not a transgender issue. They're a human issue. Using a person's correct name and pronoun is one of the most basic ways to show respect to a person. Getting names correct is usually simple. People introduce themselves with their name or they hand you a business card with their name on it. Pronouns are trickier. Without having systems in place,…
