From the course: Sustainable UX Design

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Optimize loading time

Optimize loading time

One of the ways to make your design more sustainable is to reduce page loading time. Here's the thing. Every time a web page loads, it consumes a certain amount of energy, much of which comes from fossil fuels. By reducing loading times, we can decrease the amount of energy consumed and also lower carbon emissions. Now, let's cover a few strategies on how to reduce page loading time of your user interface. First up, let's talk about images. Compress them. Large uncompressed image files can significantly slow down page loading times. For example, if you're designing a website for an eco-friendly clothing brand, it's a good idea to compress images with design tools like Adobe Photoshop or online services like tiny PNG. The difference between a 25-megabyte image and a two-kilobyte one is massive, and it will impact loading times of your interface significantly. Still, it's a good practice to maintain the image quality, even if the file is compressed to keep up with good user experience…
