From the course: Taking Charge of Your Career

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Prepare for important conversations

From the course: Taking Charge of Your Career

Prepare for important conversations

- How many people do you interact with during any given week? Between team members, direct reports and vendors, who we communicate with is a big component of getting our job done. How we influence others, especially when we may not have formal authority, can make all the difference in getting what we need and want when it comes to our careers. Our career growth often depends on the number of other influencers that can open doors for us. It could be a manager advocating for our promotion, a coworker giving feedback to higher ups about our aptitude, or even a friend being a reference for us, all of which require us to have important conversations and knowing who to have them with. When you think about your career goals, whose support do you need? A great starting place is to make a list of all of the people that can support you in your goals. Identify what specifically you need from them and by when. In most cases, your…
