From the course: Tasks in Microsoft Teams: First Look

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Configure navigation bar settings

Configure navigation bar settings

- [Narrator] While working in this personal Planner app, there's a few things that you might want to change, with what you can see and also to make sure that you're seeing the latest task details. We're going to start in the upper right corner of this app. By going to the ellipsis, this it takes us to where we can get information about this app, we can view the third-party notice for the desktop app, the third-party notice for the mobile app, but it's also where you can refresh all of the content within this app. Let's go ahead and refresh it now, you'll notice that everything disappears for a second, while it is refreshing all of that information, now being that this is a new app, there is a banner notification here at the top, that's just letting us know about this new task experience with this Planner app, that's also going to be changing the name to tasks in the near future. Let's go ahead and select the X to hide that…
