From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

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How team coaching differs from team building

How team coaching differs from team building

From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

How team coaching differs from team building

- It's not surprising that people are often confused between team coaching, team facilitation, team building, and consultancy. So, here's how to sort through the confusion. As this simple model shows, all four can be helpful, but only team coaching has a long-term impact on the team's ability to manage continuous change. Consultants come in to solve a problem for you, then they leave you to get on with it. Facilitation also focuses on solving a specific problem, working with the team, but with the facilitator controlling the process. You know that you're facilitating rather than coaching when you take charge of the flip chart. Team building aims to help the team build relationships. It's about enabling people to work together more closely by building trusting relationships. Each of these has its problems in a VUCA world. When the operating environment keeps changing, today's consultancy-led solution won't necessarily work for tomorrow's circumstances, and the expertise needed to adapt…
