From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

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Shift the team’s thinking from linear to systemic to complex

Shift the team’s thinking from linear to systemic to complex

From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

Shift the team’s thinking from linear to systemic to complex

- The more complex a system is, the greater its propensity to deliver unexpected and sometimes unwanted outcomes. A well-known model from Dave Snowden classifies problems as simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic. Simple issues can be dealt with by linear thinking. It's getting cold, we'll turn up the heating. Complicated problems require multiple linear solutions. The guys near the window are feeling colder than the guys near the middle, so let's adjust the radiators differently. Complex problems require a level of computation beyond most human minds. Maybe everybody's got a different preferred temperature. Here, linear solutions might only make things worse. We've got to find solutions at the level of the system. At a chaotic level, the weather might change frequently and randomly throughout the day, and the desks occupied by changing people all with their own temperature preferences. Many of the problems teams need help with lie somewhere between complicated and complex. That's…
