From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

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Using PERILL with a team

Using PERILL with a team

- You can help a team discover its own dynamics and tackle systemic issues in several ways. One of the most common is to support them as they explore what happened in and between each of the six factors in one or more cases where things have gone well or conversely where they've gone badly. So how clear was everybody in each case about what the purpose and intended outcomes were? What was the difference we were trying to make? What conversations did we have with our stakeholders? How supportive were they? How supportive were we with each other? Did we feel we could raise concerns safely? How robust were the operating processes? Was everyone clear about their role and responsibilities? Did we stop and review sufficiently frequently? Did we repeat mistakes we'd made before and who provided the leadership when it was needed? What if mergers are patterns that get repeated time and time again? Now, the team can focus on interrupting negative patterns and reinforcing positive ones. The…
