From the course: Testing in React with Vitest

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Integrating Redux Toolkit

Integrating Redux Toolkit - React.js Tutorial

From the course: Testing in React with Vitest

Integrating Redux Toolkit

- [Instructor] Let's start by defining integration tests, which are designed to test the interaction between different components and modules of an application. Unlike unit tests, which test individual functions in isolation, integration tests validate the interactions and data flow between multiple units. They often sit between unit tests and end-to-end tests in the testing hierarchy. Well, why do we write integration tests? One, we can say for multiple component interaction. Since this test involves the Redux store reducers and actions or thunks, validating the interaction between the components, as we will see. Two, for state transitions, it checks how state changes in response to different dispatched actions such as spending, fulfilled, and rejected as we will see in application setup. Three, for synchronous actions. They handle async actions, which are a key part in our daily apps. We dispatch async thunks and check the resulting state. This helps us verify that the async logic…
