From the course: Testing in React with Vitest
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Linting with ESLint - React.js Tutorial
From the course: Testing in React with Vitest
Linting with ESLint
- [Instructor] In web app development, each team member often has their own unique approach and preferences leading to potential delays from a few hours up to even a day to establish the correct configuration. In this video, we'll implement LinkedIn in our application using ESLint and integrate the Airbnb configuration, alongside Prettier. This ensures a seamless developer experience for every team member regardless of the code editor they choose to work with. ESLint can be described as a static code analysis tool that majorly scans JavaScript code for potential errors, coding style issues with a set of configurable rules, analyzing code and generating warnings or errors when a rule violation is detected. ESLint config Airbnb is Airbnb's ESLint's configuration as an extensible shared configuration. Prettier is also known as an opinionated way of formatting our code. It removes default styling and ensures that all code conforms to a consistent style. Remember the dev dependencies we…
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