From the course: Testing in React with Vitest

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Putting it all together

Putting it all together

- [Instructor] We've covered a lot of ground and I'm proud of you for making it this far. In this lesson, we'll work on integrating all the components we've worked on so far. Our code will be located in the link below and we can switch to our VS Code branch 2-4-starts. I've taken the liberty of populating the chapter branch with some starter code. Ensure you update to the chapter branch. Let's begin by installing React Bootstrap by writing npm i react bootstrap and bootstrap in our application. Currently our application is not as functional as we would like and if we clear our CSS file and our app.tsx TSX file, we can see we have a simple H1 with a Hello World. So after clearing the CSS file, we can see our CSS has a home component. We can see we have a simple H 1 with a Hello World. Let's create the NavBar file in the components folder. So in our components folder, let's go ahead and create the NavBar file. Navav.tsx. To do this, I have some code copied from chapter 2-4-end and you…
