From the course: Testing in React with Vitest

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Testing Redux Toolkit state

Testing Redux Toolkit state - React.js Tutorial

From the course: Testing in React with Vitest

Testing Redux Toolkit state

- [Instructor] Continuing where we left off, we can begin migrating our application to use our configured reducers. Let's open our fruit search component and import our dependencies. I have the dependencies copied on my clipboard, but you can find the code that we are using at the end of this chapter, chapter 4.2-start. That is the branch where you'll find our code. After importing our dependencies, we can then remove two states, set fruit and error state. After removing our two states, we will add our dispatch function call of type AppDispatch from React Redux, which dispatches a function call. Then add our fruit status and error selectors, which will take the root state from our state.fruits global state, and will return the fruit status and error respectively. Super. Let's declutter our use effect. Where we will dispatch our fetch fruit, call if there is a fruit name. On our return, our input doesn't change. However, if our status is loading, we add a card with a block of loading…
