From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

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Camera settings to freeze or blur motion

Camera settings to freeze or blur motion

From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

Camera settings to freeze or blur motion

- As you know, there are three components to exposure. One is aperture, one is ISO, and one is shutter speed. Before we talked about aperture and how it affects your depth of field, today we're going to talk about your shutter speed and how that affects your motion in your photograph. We have a helper here, Margo, who's going to help us with a series of photographs at different shutter speeds to see exactly when we can stop the action. The first one we're going to do is at 1/2000th of a second. That should stop just about anything. The aperture will be probably around 2/8 to four, and I'm looking at an ISO of 100 because it's such a beautiful day here. So let's see what happens here. Okay Margo. (shutter clicking) Yup, just as I expected. The motion is completely frozen. I think we'll try it again at a 1/250th of a second. I'm still going to be in the shutter priority mode in automatic. Okay Margo. (shutter…
