From the course: The Elements of Effective Photographs

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One-light setup

One-light setup

- We've talked about the message of light, but now let's take a look at how to create it. This is Margo, and she's going to be helping us out today. Thank you so much for coming in. We'll start with a simple one light set up. This will be our main or key light to better illustrate this, let's bring down the house lights and I'll fire this one up. You can see as I move this light around how the contours in her face really change. Now, this is what's known as a hairlight and you can see that it illuminates the hair and separates her from the background. This is more of a silhouette. Now, Margo, could you please turn toward the right, there you go. And see how pretty that is on her face. You've got kind of a room light. I'll bring it a little bit further. Very, very pretty. Now this is the kind of light, go ahead and look straight forward, please. This is the kind of light that our flashes create. Not nearly as pretty…
