From the course: Three Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask in Your Next Presentation

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As a presenter, you can really determine what you want your audience to consider during their presentation. This clarification really helps them with that thought-provoking process. It helps you refine and focus your ideas. It also helps you to get a great start on your roadmap of your presentation, really kicks off your presentation strong. The first thought provoking question you want to ask is “What?” What do we do about problem X? What do we need to fix? What is it that we all can identify with? Getting your audience to come with you to that first step to really provoke their thinking about what it is that needs to be adjusted. A few strategies that are going to help you as a presenter engage with your audience effectively during your presentation, is activity. Invite them to show their hands, “who's felt this way?” Or you can ask for a word shout out. “What are some feelings that come up when you think about this?” And then people respond. Maybe you're on Zoom and it won't be as…
