From the course: Troubleshooting Audio and MIDI

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Prioritize objectively

Prioritize objectively

- It's rare that we have the luxury of time to work on pesky tech riddles. More often than not, people are waiting. The deadline is approaching. Patience is waning. Particularly when it comes to lengthy signal chains or complex MIDI routing, we can almost never afford to start at the very beginning and test each component and every connection in sequence. Instead, we need to make quick decisions about likely trouble spots. How should we make our choices in order to get back to business faster? It's hard to claim that there is a simple prescription that applies across the board, but there are a couple of baseline bullet points that are seemingly universal and can resolve a surprising number of issues very quickly. One is, is everything powered? No dying batteries, no loose power supplies. And second, are all cables fully plugged in and are they plugged in correctly? Beyond this, a question that's always good to ask yourself is, has anything changed recently? There are many examples of…
