From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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Blues in a Minor Key

Blues in a Minor Key

- Let's play example number 73, the natural minor scale, in A. Ready and ... (A natural minor scale) You'll notice the A natural minor scale has all the natural notes in the musical alphabet. Another scale has all natural notes as well, and that is the C major scale. So these two scales are related. The only difference is the C major scale starts on C, and the A natural minor scale starts on A, which is a sixth away. So how do I say it, in a C scale, the A is the sixth degree of the scale, so if we start on the sixth degree of a C major scale, you have an A natural minor scale. Or if you start on the third degree of the A minor scale, you'll have a C major scale. So A natural minor is the relative minor of a C major scale. And a C major scale is the relative major of an A natural minor scale. Now let's look at the A natural minor scale in another way. We'll compare it to the A major scale. The difference here is that we flat the third, sixth and seventh degree of an A major scale. So…
