From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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Minor chords

Minor chords

- Let's learn a few minor chords, starting with the easiest of them all, the A minor. We can play an A minor by simply putting our second finger on the second fret of our fourth string. (strums chord) A D minor is similar to an F chord (strums chord). But we just add our third finger on the second fret of the third string (strums) to form a D minor chord. An E minor is played by using our first, second, and third fingers on these frets. (strums chord) A C minor chord is played by barring the third fret of our first, second, and third strings. (strums chord) And another way we can play it is by playing our open fourth string, the third fret of our third string, not playing our second string, and playing the third fret of our first string. Like so (strums chord). Next chord is an F minor chord. We play that by playing the first fret of our fourth string, open third string, first fret of the second string, and the third fret of our first string. (strums chord) It's a little harder. And…
