From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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The major scale is your measuring stick

The major scale is your measuring stick

From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

The major scale is your measuring stick

- We briefly described a major scale as an arrangement of whole steps and half steps. We learn that the natural notes in the musical alphabet have half steps between B and C and E and F. Then we learned how to play the C major scale which has half steps between E and F and B and C. But what of we wanted to paly a major scale starting from a different note? The we'd have to use either sharps or flats to place the half steps in the appropriate places. For example a major scale is made up of whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. And if you remember a whole step is equivalent to two frets on the instrument and a half step is equivalent to one. So in example 26 we will be playing an E major scale on the A string. (A string twangs) Starting on A. So if you remember our formula, whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half. So to play a whole step we'll go from A, (A note twangs) two frets to B, (B note twangs) two frets to C sharp. (C sharp…
