From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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- To transpose means to change the key of a song. Why would you need to transpose? Well, maybe you sing in a different key and you find it's a little too high or too low, or the chords, or melody might be easier to play on the ukulele in a different key. Basically, there are two ways to transpose. One is by interval, and the other is by chord analysis. So let's first do an example, of transposing by interval. In example 64, we'll play a chord progression in the key of G. One, two, three, four G (strums ukulele) D G C G Now, if we take each of these chords, and transpose it up a perfect fifth, we would take a G, (strums ukulele) count up five notes, G, A, B, C, D. We'll take the D chord (strums D chord) So, that's now our one chord. The next chord, in bar two of example 64 is a D, and we'll transpose that up a perfect fifth. So, D, E, F sharp, G, A, play an A chord (strums A chord) Bar two. And bar three, we have a G chord and a C chord. The G, as we know, a perfect fifth up is D. The…
