From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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Waltz time, 3/4

Waltz time, 3/4

- Three four time or waltz time is simply three beats in a bar instead of four like we have in four four time. So we play this by counting one, two, three, one, two, three. Here are three examples starting with example number 13 playing waltz time on a ukulele using a G chord. One, two, three. (ukulele music) In example 14 we'll play waltz time but we'll be introducing a rest which means we don't play and I do that by stopping the strings with my right hand. One, two, three. Rest, two, three. Rest, two, three. (ukulele music) Here's example 15. We're going to do eighth notes on beats two and three of the bar. One, two, three. (ukulele music) And now let's play Amazing Grace which is in waltz time or three four time. This song introduces what is called pick ups. Pick ups actually start on beat three of the previous bar. One, two, three, one, two. (ukulele music)
