From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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10% myth

10% myth

- The 10% myth. On the other hand, there's a common mistake and idea that if you take somebody's work and change it by 10%, then you can do what you want with it. I call this the 10% myth. There's not actually a rule that says you can change a certain amount of work and avoid infringement. What if you change 90% of something? If you were to take something that someone else had done and change 90% of it, then at least there's some chance that it incorporates an entirely new set of elements that were created by you, and what you have borrowed from someone else might be de minimis, but even that is risky. It's risky to use anything that anyone else has created other than small pieces of quotes. When it comes to music, it's very common that people think that they can place music that they found in a video and put it on the web. It turns out that this is not only copyright infringement, but it is one of the steepest types of infringements. The cost of synchronizing music to videos is quite…
