From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Copyright infringement consequences

Copyright infringement consequences

- Copyright infringement consequences. The consequences of copyright infringement can be massive, and the liability for copyright infringement is broad. Damages can be tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and apply to vicarious and contributory infringes, as well as direct infringes. So someone who infringes obviously can have liability, but so can someone who doesn't even know about the infringement. If you host a website that has infringing content, you might have liability, swap meets might have liability for infringing goods sold at their swap meet, even though they don't know about them. Now, when it comes to websites, with the rise of digital content, the government actually had some foresight and started to think about how to limit the liability of certain websites to be sure that the internet could grow without copyright owners suing everybody. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or the DMCA has a specific exception to the general rule of vicarious or…
