From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Infringement remedies

Infringement remedies

- Infringement remedies. What do you get if you prove infringement? You might get a lot. Damages can be $150,000 or more if you can prove more, and you can get attorney's fees as well. So proving infringement can be lucrative and can help you recover the losses that you've suffered because of the infringement. But again, you have to privately enforce your rights. The government doesn't do it for you merely because you've registered a copyright. It's up to you to enforce those rights. In addition to the infringer, people who weren't the particular people responsible for infringement can have liability as well. And this is important to understand both as someone who might create a work as well as someone who might create things that could possibly infringe. You could have liability for someone else's infringement. How is that possible? Well, copyright law wants to be broad. It wants to protect copyrights. So the rule is that if you have had a benefit from an infringement, even if you…
