From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Patent infringement

Patent infringement

- Patent infringement. So you get a patent. What does that give you? What do you get when you get a patent? You get the right to sue people. It's the same with copyright and with trademark. Intellectual property is about obtaining the rights to sue people and to stop them. So if you're infringing somebody's patent, they will sue you for patent infringement, and the litigation will seek to stop you from doing what you're doing, as well as to get some damages. What are damages? That's what you prove in court that you've lost economically from the infringement. It can be lost profits or a calculation of the economic benefit of the infringer. Damages can be quite significant. So a patent owner has the right to sue somebody for an injunction and for damages. If you want to get an injunction and damages from someone's infringement, you'll need to win a patent infringement case in federal court. In order to do that, you need to file a complaint. What are you suing for? You are suing for…
