From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Patenting software and applications

Patenting software and applications

- [Narrator] Patenting software and applications. In the age of high tech many of the patents that are coming out these days are essentially around software. So the question people tend to ask is, can I patent my new mobile app? Can I patent the software that I created? Can I patent this method of doing something that uses computer software? And the answer is yes. In most cases, an invention can be patentable if you can tie the method to a computer system. The idea is that in the old days, machinery and mechanical things would be unique, novel, and would perform a function that we could see physically. With computer technology, it's a little more difficult, but the same rules apply. If you can describe an idea that has utility, that uses a computer as the device and it's novel and non-obvious, then you can patent your computer software. It's a growing field. There are millions of patents that revolve around this kind of technology. And more and more, the patents that are being issued…
