From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Post-registration trademark maintenance

Post-registration trademark maintenance

From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

Post-registration trademark maintenance

- Post registration trademark maintenance. What happens after registration? Once it's registered, the trademark does have ongoing maintenance. Trademark rights can continue in perpetuity. They can go on forever, as long as you continue to use the trademark. Remember, trademark rights arise from use, so if you keep using the mark, your trademark rights keep going. But when it comes to trademark registration, there are ongoing maintenance filings and fees. It's the government and they would like to be sure that they receive something for keeping the trademark active. In addition, it's a good way to be sure that trademark registrations go abandoned when a business is no longer in operation or has ceased to use a trademark. So there's a renewal due between the fifth and sixth year, and the trademark office may not remind you of that. You have to put it on your calendar, hire a lawyer or pay for a calendaring software to remind you about it. And then renewals are due at every 10th…
