From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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Trademarking your work

Trademarking your work

- Protecting your mark before use. Now, let's say you've done your due diligence, you have ensured that you're not adopting a trademark that someone else has already started using. You've checked Google, you've checked the website where there's a trademark database you can search. You've ensured that you are the first. The question is, how do you protect it? Well, you gain rights by use, but maybe it's going to take a little while for you to actually begin to make use of the trademark. In the meantime, you're worried that someone else is going to come along and begin using the trademark. You can file a trademark application based on your intent to use the mark in the future, even if you don't yet have use of the mark. Now, this process is pretty easy. You can file at the USPTO website, and what you're doing is claiming that you have a bonafide intent to use that trademark for the goods and services in the future. You'll file a trademark application and then the USPTO will…
