From the course: Understanding Intellectual Property

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What does trade secret law protect?

What does trade secret law protect?

- What does Trade Secret Law Protect? So what are the typical things that people use trade secret law to protect? Well, there's the secret formula to Coca-Cola. There's the secret formula to the Colonel Sanders' Crispy Chicken at Kentucky Fried Chicken. There's Monsanto secrets for all the pesticides, herbicides, and different recipes that they use for chemicals. Recipes in general can only be protected under trade secret law. You can't copyright or patent recipes. You need to rely on trade secret law. In addition, trade secret law is used to protect business information that might not be patentable, so a business that's about to launch a startup wants to protect it so that no one knows what they're going to do. The new killer app is being incubated, and the founders of that company want to be sure that no one finds out about it. Everybody who is exposed to the business plans signs non-disclosure agreements to protect the ideas under trade secret law. Now, what does that do? It…
