From the course: Using AI Tools for UX Design

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Midjourney: Setup

Midjourney: Setup

- [Instructor] Of all the tools we're going to utilize throughout this course, Midjourney requires the most setup initially in order to get started. So let's just take some time getting comfortable with Midjourney and how to set up the tool and how we're going to use it throughout the course. So first thing you need to do is just head over to and that will bring you to this page. So very simple page down in the bottom left, we have our documentation, very excellent documentation. You're going to be utilizing this a lot. And if we just click right here in the center of the screen on our Quick Start Guide, it'll bring up a nice page for us. You can see we have our quick start. Immediately, it's telling us that we're going to need to log into Discord, shows you links for how you create your Discord account, how you verify your Discord account, and then it does cost to use Midjourney. So once you have things set up, you'll have to go to and create a…
