From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro
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Understanding cosine similarity - FileMaker Pro Tutorial
From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro
Understanding cosine similarity
- [Instructor] The CosineSimilarity function gets the similarity between two embedding vectors. While there are other similarity functions for vectors like Euclidean distance or Manhattan distance, cosine is the specific function that's used by the Claris platform. For embedded vectors, CosineSimilarity gives a useful measure of how similar two values are likely to be. So you'll convert text values from the text into vectors, and then you'll compare the similarity of those two vectors. The result of the similarity evaluation will range between negative one and one, which will be inclusive of those two values. The values that are closest to one indicate higher semantic similarity. Zero indicates no similarity, and minus one indicates dissimilarity, and those are evaluated within a range. Now this is very important. The vectors must also have the same dimensions. So what does that mean? Well, it means that the number of elements in the vector arrays must be the same. So different models…
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AI in FileMaker Pro 20244m 32s
Setting up AI integration3m 50s
Understanding insert embeddings4m 7s
Understanding GetEmbedding2m 14s
Working with embeddings5m 10s
Understanding Perform Semantic Find4m 13s
Working with Perform Semantic Find5m 46s
Testing Perform Semantic Find4m 43s
Understanding cosine similarity3m 11s
Working with cosine similarity4m 44s
Working with GetEmbedding6m 4s
Understanding optimizing AI usage4m 40s
Working with Set AI Call Logging3m 8s
Working with token counts6m 50s