From the course: Using Lean to Connect Silos

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Build decision-making capacity with A3

Build decision-making capacity with A3

From the course: Using Lean to Connect Silos

Build decision-making capacity with A3

- Decisions, decisions. Well, it's a daily work practice in any organization. What do you think might happen when areas are disconnected and work in silos and a decision is made without considering other areas or other stakeholders? In my experience, this can only create bigger problems and worsens the disconnect. So how can A3 thinking help reconnect silos through decision-making? First, A3 thinking divides challenges into smaller chunks, where each level in your organization is responsible for making decisions based on their direct expertise. For example, decisions on big, complex issues might start at the top of the organization as a mother A3. Then those complex issues are split into smaller chunks for middle management as child A3s, and those cascaded down into baby A3s for the front lines to handle. This string of A3s helps empower people at every level, promotes the inclusion of diverse perspectives and generates…
