From the course: Using Lean to Connect Silos

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Drive systemic problem-solving with A3

Drive systemic problem-solving with A3

From the course: Using Lean to Connect Silos

Drive systemic problem-solving with A3

- What would you say usually happens when a problem comes up in an organization that suffers from silo thinking? You guessed it, blaming. Someone else in another department must have messed up. But blaming will not make the problem go away. It actually increases the friction between departments. Instead, by adopting A3 thinking and its guidelines to solve problems, you can cause a shift from you against me because of the problem to you and me against the problem. So what are those guidelines? First, seeing a problem from the customer's perspective helps drive the focus toward a common purpose and away from individual interests. Having a common purpose is key to aligning your interdependent teams. Second, even small problems have multiple root causes that originate in different areas of the organization. Therefore, a cross-functional team is called to find solutions. This is where people from different areas can be made…
