From the course: Using Lean to Connect Silos

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How silos form in business

How silos form in business

- My first job was in a family-run company. When I started, it had grown into quite a large enterprise. People would tell me how things had changed because of that growth. They said that back when the founder started the business, everyone got along. They shared information openly, and collaboration between departments was natural. If connections existed between the different areas then, I thought it would be worthwhile to understand how business silos form, which could give us valuable insight to help revert back to behaviors and work practices that worked in the past. I started telling you about a family business. This is one of the most common stories when such companies grow, and the founders are no longer involved in ensuring the connections between dependencies persist. Such organizations often lack structured processes and procedures, and depend on people to coordinate and align. But people come and go. Tribal…
