From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

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Exercise 3 instructions: Developing vocal range and resonance (nose buzz)

Exercise 3 instructions: Developing vocal range and resonance (nose buzz)

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

Exercise 3 instructions: Developing vocal range and resonance (nose buzz)

- This next approach is strange and wonderful. It's simple, but I found that it really takes some exploration to discover how to work with the simplicity of it. This is going to expand your voice in a way that is just surprising and wonderful. Now this is a technique that you will also find used in the Singing Songs Better section. I wanna introduce it to you now, and I'll show you how not only to do it but give you a demonstration of how it influences or changes the voice, me, mine (laughs). And then I'll give you an actual exercise to apply it to. But just know that as we get into the Singing Songs Better section, this is something that you can apply immediately to a song directly and get an immediate vocal improvement in your singing of songs. All right, so, first of all, here's a bit of the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. ♫ Somewhere over the rainbow ♫ Way up high Now here's nose buzz and just with the melody. (nose buzzing to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow") I'll do it one more…
